Mythic Battles: Pantheon by Helyan/Sylvain M.
Painted so far...
- Album created by Helyan
- Updated
- 141 images
- 4 image comments
- 141 images
- 4 image comments
My humble offering to the Gods...
I’ve finally started painting my copy of MB! I put it off until I wrapped up all of my Zombicide, Cthulhu Wars, Gloomhaven, Conan, Nemesis, Pandemic: Viral Outbreak, and other assorted minis.
My meager skills won’t really do justice to these incredible minis, but I can’t wait to play the game so I need to get it done.
My usual caveats apply to this post, I’m painting for the game table, not a display case...
- Album created by Epaka
- Updated
- 1 image
- 1 image
Kratos for Mythic Battles: Pantheon by Helyan/Sylvain M.
Here is my very first personal project in painting. An adaptation of Hagbard , a mini from Black Sun Miniatures , sculpted by Joaquin Palacios on a concept by Oliver Bouchet that I custimise into Kratos ( God of War by Santa Monica Studio ) Mythic Battles way: Pantheon .
A very BIG thanks to @Erwan and @MartinG who inspired me without knowing it 🙂
- Album created by Helyan
- Updated
- 22 images
- 22 images