In Savage Avengers: Cursed Dry Work Conan and the Punisher battle thirst, the reawakened dead and dry skin!
Like my other Savage Avengers scenarios, Cursed Dry Work is fully playable as a regular Conan scenario. Disregard all Marvel references and enjoy! Or if you have a Punisher Heroclix, the Stygia expansion and ALL those Skeletons from the King Pledge; lock and load!
Conan the Savage: This scenario was inspired by the Conan the Savage figure from Privateer Press' Savage Mini Crate subscription. If you have it, use it! Otherwise use the corebox Conan figure. Crom doesn't care.
M60: The Crossbow and some special rules for Circular Strike and Elite Shooter combine to represent the M60. Conan can also become frustrated with the strange device and use the M60 to smash in some skulls, but it won't be quite the same after.
The Punisher: I chose N'Gora to represent the Punisher. He is a great all around warrior.. Great Melee and Ranged Combat stats. To keep the M60 in Conan's hands for a few turns I decided to hobble The Punisher a little bit with an injured arm from the crash.
Savage Avengers Cursed Thirsty Work.pdf