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Not Quite Dead

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Posts posted by Not Quite Dead

  1. With that guy, I used for the first time the Typhus Corrosion by Citadel. A really neat paint that should come handy when I'll be painting all those skellies.




    There may be too much brown on that rather dark miniature. It was my first try at painting obsidian blades too.


    And your Primitives? What do they look like?

    • Like 2
  2. Hi there!


    For now, they are five galleries on the website:

    - Batman

    - Conan

    - Mythic Battles: Pantheon

    - Contest

    - IRL


    I'd like to have another gallery, named 'Other Games' in order to share more conveniently pictures of other (non Monolith) games and I was wondering if other people around here find that useful and if you were willing to do this.


    @SentMa, la même chose pourrait être envisagée côté francophone, d'ailleurs, s'il y a des amateurs.

    • Like 1
  3. Seconded.


    An ominous mountain could do the trick and it could be called: 'Crom!' :

    « Their chief is Crom. He dwells on a great mountain. What use to call on him? Little he cares if men live or die. Better to be silent than to call his attention to you; he will send you dooms, not fortune! He is grim and loveless, but at birth he breathes power to strive and slay into a man's soul. What else shall men ask of the gods? »

    REH, The Queen of the Black Coast.


    But maybe Sentma has currently his hands full with the reprint of MBP. :wink:

    • Like 1
    • I'm Batman! 1
  4. My wife, my brother's girlfriend and myself did a session of Heroquest painting this very afternoon.


    Here's some of the job made:



    Aside from these WIP zombies, there's still the mummies, the dwarf, the gargoyle and some furniture to do, and then it'll be full painted.

  5. Zelata! A character I'm very fond of, as well in the game as in the Hour of the Dragon.




    I'm not sure if it's my paintjob, a too heavy undercoat or the miniature itself, but it seems like the poor old hag arrived too late at the nose shop.

    Kinda like You-Know-Who. :(

    • Like 2
  6. Hi there! It's something different than the Compendium from the KS campaign of MB-P.


    Two Compendia have been made by the French-speaking community of the Overlord with the support of Monolith for the boardgame Conan. You'll find their online version here and there.

    Now, the first compendium has been translated into English and the second one is currently being translated. The summary in English for the first one is here.


    Now, as @Doucefeuille wrote on this topic, the third compendium will be about MB-P and not Conan. It's planned that it will be released simultaneously in French and in English.


    I hope it's clearer for you now. :smile:


  7. Hi there!


    For Mind Control, the French text states:


    Ciblez une figurine adverse sans ligne de vue.

    Déplacez-la d'1 zone + 1 zone par gemme dépensée en suivant les restrictions de déplacement et sans que cela ne provoque de dégât à la figurine.

    Seems to me, that it's not the same as the English text at all.
    I'd translate it roughly by:


    Pick a enemy miniature without a line of sight.

    Move it from 1 zone + 1 zone by gem spent, following the rules of hindering, and without causing any damage to the miniature.

    So I'd say that if you spend one gem, you may use 2 movement points for that enemy. (With a maximum of 4 movement points for the exertion of 3 gems.)


    And as the Teleportation card states:


    Pour toute gemme dépensée après avoir payé le coût du sort, le lanceur peut se déplacer d'une zone.

    Ce mouvement n'est affecté par aucun obstacle. Le lanceur n'a pas besoin d'avoir une ligne de vue avec sa destination.

    I'm pretty sure that you don't have to pay one gem to activate the spell, because the Teleportation card explicitly states that you have to pay an initial cost of 1 gem before moving the spellcaster by spending extra gems (one by zone).


    I'm quite surprised by the difference between the English and the French text for the Mind Control card. I'd be curious to learn if it is the French or the English version that is correct.


    • Like 2
  8. I've read the pitch of the first scenarii you wrote and I must say it sounds amazing, with an original but consistent group of heroes. And icing on the cake, it's lore-friendly. I'm really looking forward to play it.


    I'll try to gather four players besides of my actual group playing Monolith's campaign. If I manage to do that (in a not-that distant future, if it pleases Mitra), I'll let you know how it turned out.


    Kudos for the excellent work you've done!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. 19 hours ago, Xaltotun said:

    Love this. Is it 32mm?

    Honestly, I'm not sure what makes a miniature a 28mm or a 32mm scale, as Conan miniatures are seen as 28mm (if I'm not mistaken) but are somewhat of different heights.


    From feet to head, it measures roughly 35mm, so I guess it's ratherish 32mm. A bit tall for the Conan minis, but still looking great.


    • Thanks 1
  10. a) You must have an account on this forum (so this condition is valid for the three of us, obviously

    b) at some point of the future @SentMa will announce here that he will send an e-mail on the address linked to your account (it's the one you'll find under 'Account Settings') with an invitation to Fluent

    c) using this invitation, you will have some days to create an account on Fluent and order the compendium you want


    As I haven't used Fluent yet, I can't explain you what you will have to do there. I guess you'll have to give your physical address and pay the shipping fee for the compendium (if it's the same as it was on the French speaking forum, Monolith will offer you the compendium, and you'll have to pay only the shipping fee).


    I hope this helps and that I haven't said something wrong.

    • Thanks 1

    Hi, @ronveer. I've had a lot of work this week, so that I couldn't come back to the translation until today.


    I wasn't sure of what you meant by 'token reward'. Is there a case in the rules of the game or an official scenario in which they are token rewards? I'd gladly look at it to understand how to translate properly this expression.


    The two additional cards:

    Pictish  Toy Figure - Jouet picte

    Stygian Clay Puppet - Figurine d'argile stygienne


    Translation of the presentation of the pdf file: Deck of Worthless Objects:

    Quelques douzaines de nouveaux objets à ajouter aux pioches d'équipement ou de trésor. La plupart ne servent à rien, mais sont rigolos.


    Fichier pdf: Objets de pacotille (pour Conan_Monolith) (v.1.1 2018)




    Vous êtes las de trouver des coffres vides? Vous en avez assez des règles qui se contentent de dire que le coffre que vous venez d'ouvrir ne contient rien? Ou peut-être la campagne que vous jouez est-elle trop facile parce que les héros ont acquis des objets utiles durant les deux premiers scénarios? Et bien voici des cartes pour remplir la pioche des cartes trésor d'objets de pacotille, généralement inutiles. Quoique sans valeur, ils vous feront rire et cela, peut-être, n'a pas de prix. Vous pouvez bien sûr panacher la pioche de cartes trésors avec du véritable équipement.

    Par ailleurs, quelques objets de pacotilles peuvent être jetés sur une cible. Bien qu'ils se brisent aisément, ils ne sont donc pas tout à fait inutiles.




    Règle pour les cartes d'objets de pacotille

    Ces cartes sont prévues principalement pour remplir les coffres à trésor ou pour les token rewards.

    J'ai voulu établir les règles les plus simples possible pour ces cartes.

    Les objets sans symbole de portée, avec un encombrement nul s'utilisent comme les cartes 'Coffre vide'.

    Il ne servent absolument à rien et n'ont absolument aucune valeur, sinon comique.

    Les cartes d'équipement avec un symbole de portée peuvent être lancés sur une cible (une figurine) ou sur un objet (selon les règles spécifiques du scénario). Jeter un objet se fait de la même manière que jeter une dague ou une hache. Les règles suivantes s'appliquent:

    1) Avant d'effectuer le lancer, nommer la cible visée; une seule cible peut être visée (généralement une figurine);

    2) Le symbole de la bouteille cassée indique que l'objet ne peut être utilisé qu'une seule fois. Dès qu'il a été lancé, il se brise (que ce soit en touchant la cible ou en la ratant parce qu'il touche alors le sol).

    3) Le chiffre inscrit dans la cible indique la portée maximum. Par exemple, le Pot de chambre stygien a une portée de 1. Il peut donc être lancé dans la zone du lanceur ou dans n'importe quelle zone adjacente avec une ligne de vue. Il ne peut être jeté à 2 zones du lanceurs (on ne compte pas la zone du lanceur lui-même). Les règles du phénomène de gêne pour les attaques à distance s'appliquent normalement.

    • Like 1
  12. A really cool-looking miniature! I love his conquistador-like look, even if I remember the original character being less classy. It was a pleasure to paint it.




    And you? What does your Zaporavo look like?

    • Like 3
  13. Arachnophobia is the phobia number one amongst humans, I've heard. Not surprising if you know that our amygdala are tuned to make us detect what looks like spiders, just in case...


    Here's mine and its model from real life, an araniella curcubitina I've found on the net (pun intended).


    5ab66eebaefe5_20180324Araigne.thumb.JPG.6510b40236bfb72c26e083ac3ef602d6.JPG  8KOK4KOKKKUKQKTK8KCK4KTKIKTKNQBK8KNK2QC0BQY0AQLSIK30AQDKMKDKXK1KIK30BQAKUQF0MK.thumb.jpg.6bd12ae3ca1c0137e579ab9f1e8856ab.jpg


    I'm really looking forward to see your little eight-eyed, eight-legged abominations. :blue:

    • Like 2
  14. By reading Beyond the Black River and looking at Louinet's comments, it seems to me that REH's Picts are more similar to Native American than to the historical Pictish tribes.


    Here's my Pictish archers, by the way, painted quite a while back:


    • Like 3
  15. Neat idea! :laugh:


    I can't translate the description of the file today, but I'll try to look at it tomorrow.


    In the meantime, here's the translation of the file per se:


    Equipment Cards - Worthless Objects: - Cartes d'équipement - objets de pacotille:


    Rotten Food - Nourriture avariée

    Dust & Dead Flies - Poussière et mouches mortes

    Tooth & Gore - Dents et osselets


    Here, I wasn't sure how to translate properly 'gore', whose meaning is, as far as I know: blood spilled or physical violence leading to spilled blood. I propose to translate 'gore' by 'osselets', which means 'ossicles', more fitting to the picture than blood.

    Webs & Spiders - Toiles et araignées

    Nordheim Shoe - Chausse nordique

    Stygian Sandals - Sandales stygiennes

    Khitan Boots - Bottes khitanes

    Stygian Dress - Vêtements stygiens


    Here, rather than 'robe stygienne', which would be a more accurate translation of 'Stygian Dress', I propose 'vêtements stygiens', which means 'Stygian Clothes', the item being more a bikini than a dress, and bikini sounding kinda anachronistic to me.

    Stygian Perfume - Parfum stygien

    Aquilonian Perfume - Parfum aquilonien

    Empty Tear Collector - Lacrymatoire vide

    Dirty Rags - Haillons crasseux

    Poor Man's Jewelry - Bijoux de pacotille

    Pictish Clay Tablette - Tablette d'argile picte

    Aquilonian Buttons - Boutons aquiloniens

    Bronze Hairpins - Épingle à cheveux en bronze

    Bronze Lamp Chain - Chaîne en bronze pour lampe

    Worthless Lamp - Lampe sans valeur

    Stygian Oil Lamp - Lampe à huile stygienne

    Aquilonian Oil Lamp - Lampe à huile aquilonienne

    Cimmerian Beer Mug - Chope cimmérienne

    Aquilonian Beer Mug - Chope aquilonienne

    Old Stygian Beer Mug - Vieille chope stygienne


    I went with an accurate translation of 'beer mug' with 'chope', although I'm not sure the picture fits to a mug, as it has no handle. Maybe the word 'gobelet' ('cup', 'tumbler') would be better. ('Vieux gobelet stygien'), but the word may imply in French that it's made of plastic... Maybe the best solution is to use a more generic term like 'poterie' meaning 'pot, pottery' ('Vieille poterie stygienne'). Your call!

    Corinthian Wine Jar - Amphore corinthienne

    Nordic Drinkin' Horn - Corne nordique

    Aquilonian Chamber Pot - Pot de chambre aquilonien

    Khitan Chamber Pot - Pot de chambre khitan

    Pictish Coprolite - Coprolithe picte


    I love this one. XD

    Pictish Piece of Art - Œuvre d'art picte



    Deck d'objets de pacotille

    Choisissez des objets de pacotilles en fonction de vos besoins ou de vos envies. Mélangez-les à votre paquet de cartes trésor. Les objets sans symbole indiquant leur portée sont inutiles. Les objets qui ont une portée peuvent être utilisés une fois.


    Pot de chambre khitan

    Portée maximum

    Dans ce cas, votre zone et toute zone adjacente avec une ligne de vue.

    Se brise à l'impact

    Après que l'objet a été lancé, il se brise et ne peut plus être utilisé.

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