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Mythic Battles: Pantheon

Found 9 results

  1. View File The White Witch Official scenario - 2 players - Difficulty 1 - SG, King, Giant Wolves. Submitter Roolz Submitted 02/25/2020 Category Official scenarios  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Official scenario - 2 players - Difficulty 1 - SG, King, Giant Wolves.
  3. This scenario is designed to introduce younger players to the game of Conan. I've played it with my 7 year old grandson and seems to be OK for balance. Unless stated otherwise, normal game rules apply. Water Bombs Away.pdf water bomb weapon card.pdf
  4. 5 players - 3 ravens - King pledge, stretch goals, add-on Kushite hunters "In this scenario, Conan and his friends are hunting a giant reptilian creature to bring its heart to the King's alchemist. The Overlord controls picts and Kushite hunters that try to protect the reptile they consider as a god." Ideally, the Komodo dragon mini sold by PapoTM is used to represent the Megalania. Alternatively, the Dragon or the Giant Serpent can be used. Synopsis "Conan and his friends have been commissioned by the King’s alchemist to bring him the heart of a Megalania, a nearly extinct giant reptilian creature that dwells in the muddy swamps of a forest far from the Capital. It is the last missing ingredient to an old formula that could grant an extended life to the King, and he has promised the group led by Conan a preposterous sum of gold if they can deliver the precious and rare organ. After several days in the swamps fighting mosquitos, Conan and his friends have finally tracked down the beast and managed to lure it to the ruins of an abandoned village in which its movements will be hindered, so they hope they will be able to bring it down. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to them, the Megalania is worshipped by a tribe of picts recently passed under the control of a Kushite sorcerer and his warriors. Discovering that strangers are tracking their serpent god to kill it, they move in numbers to protect it…." Download hunting the Megalania Although it is not required to play the scenario, the following tile can be used.
  5. 3 players - Easy Rules - Core Box + SGs "A tight grip around his sword handle until his knuckles turn white, Conan cautiously nears the ruins of a fishermen’s village abandoned for ages. Like a panther lying in the wait, the Cimmerian warrior seems ready to pounce at his prey. Yet today he is not the hunter but rather the game. Along with Olgerd Vladislav, the ex-leader of the Kozaki from the Zaporoska river, he is about to mercilessly fight for his survival. A week before, the group of Zuagir looters led by Olgerd was defeated by Turanians who grew tired of their abuses throughout the land. He and Conan are the only ones who survived the massacre in the desert’s sands. Forced to flee towards the Vilayet sea, they were captured by Count Zariff, a Turanian noble desperate for thrills. Instead of executing them straight away, the Count led them to an island where he practices his favorite sport: the manhunt. For the two Zuagir men, the rules made by the Count are simple: they will have to vanquish the horde of creatures let loose on their heels if they want to recover their freedom." themostbarbarousgame.pdf Thanks to Matthieu Hatt for English translation
  6. 3 players - Hard - King box + SG + Kushites A scenario featuring Zelata and her wolve, Balthus and Slasher and the Kushite hunters. This is might be the story of the sword where Epimetreus engrave a silver phenix for the King Conan. This story take many years before the coronation of the King Conan. Download : ASwordForConan.pdf
  7. 4 - 5 players - 3 ravens - Stretch goals and add-on Dragon "In this scenario Conan and his friends confront the dark Stygian sorcerer Nahtok. They will dispute him the control of the huge Dragon in order to try and vanquish their enemy." Download In the pursuit of the Veiled One
  8. 5 players - 3 ravens - King pledge, stretch goals, add-ons black dragons, demon of the earth, Xavier Colette Box "In this scenario, Pelias a warned King Conan of an imminent danger: a very powerful sorcerer is opening a tear in the fabric of space and time through which demons will enter our dimension. A race against the clock to close the portal starts..." Synopsis: "The powerful and dangerous sorcerer Pelias has finally met his match. Rumors of a mighty wizard coming from distant lands were true. And Pelias, for the first time in ages, is frightened. Drawn to the tremendous power like an insect by a torchlight, he tracked the mysterious being to an abandoned rotten village in the middle of a boggy forest near the Capital of Aquilonia. There he discovered its ungodly purpose: to summon a horde of demons from outer dimensions that will do his bidding and help him ravage Aquilonia... and beyond. Pelias realized he would not be able to stop this mighty enemy alone, so he went to his former enemy Conan the King, for help. He luckily managed to convince him of the gravity of the danger threatening their world. Conan assembles his personal guard, his general Pallantides and the scout Balthus. Led by Pelias, they near the ruins of the village half-buried in the muddy swamp. As soon as they arrive, they are confronted with undead warriors that seem to prevent access to the center of the village. From a distance they catch sight of the menacing sorcerer, standing on a rock in front of an impossible sight: some kind of swirling tear in the fabric of space and time seems to hold above the ground in mid-air, while strange-looking tall humanoids are chanting a dark incantation. Suddenly, a strange and hideous creature emerges from the portal and lands on the ground with an otherworldly shout full of hate and fury..." Download demonic surge [OPTIONAL] Additional cards that can be used in this scenario to represent special rules:
  9. View File Where the thunder rumbles official scenario 3 players - difficulty 1 - SG + sabretooth tiger add on Submitter Doucefeuille Submitted 05/25/2017 Category Scénarios Officiels  
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