The focus of the KS will indeed be on Versus mode as it's something Monolith is really happy with and proud of. We want Conan players to have much more freedom to use the hordes of miniatures they have with much more choice. It's an excellent mode--one I'm constantly hearing about as people express their surprise at it. I'm not sure why it's surprising, but yes, Versus mode is awesome and I personally can t wait to have it for Conan.
But don't worry, we will have more Adventure Mode scenarios and maybe even a short solo/co-op campaign that uses the Sourcebook rules, should people want that. As I always ask those clamouring for more Adventure Mode scenarios--have you played them all? There are something like 70 scenarios out there plus the excellent community work.
In any case, I love AdventureMode, you love and Adventure Mode, and we shall have more Adventure mode 😉