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Mythic Battles: Pantheon

Found 14 results

  1. EDIT - Deleted - you can find the final version of this Scenario in CONAN - The Liberator.
  2. Please ask here any questions about specific rules for the scenario "The Last ditch Invocation" by Tony Berart. You can find this scenario The Last Ditch Invocation. (Please go hither for any questions specifically related to pict Ships map)
  3. I've created a Solo/CoOp version of the Hunting the Tigress scenario. Please give it a try and let me know what you think. I would classify it as easy, bu t a lot of fun. HuntingtheTigress(Solo-CoOp).pdf
  4. LP002 - Conan the Captured View File Nahtok found a ring in the depths of hell. With this ring he has been able to summon a demon of the night, but has not yet been able to tame the demon and substantiate itโ€™s physical form. To do so he has to sacrifice the soul of a powerful warrior. So in disguise Nahtok poisoned the wine of Conan and took the Cimmerian on to a ship called the Stormโ€™s Wake to smuggle him out of town, where Conan has a lot of friends, and to perform the ceremony of binding the demon without interruption. It did not take Amboola and Balthus long to find out what happened to Conan with the help of Zelata. Amboola and Batlhus did not have to search to find a ship willing to chase down the Stormโ€™s Wake. Belit, captain of that ship had her own reasons to free Conan - lust. With Belitโ€™s crew of five guards, Balthusโ€™ hired Kothien archer and Amboolaโ€™s contingent of five city guard, they give chase. The white speck on the horizon soon grows to a sail, and then the Stormโ€™s Wake. Seeing they will shortly be overtaken, Constantius, the evil mercenary and currently captain of the Stormโ€™s Wake, steers towards shore, where his lighter vessel can escape over the coral reefโ€™s shallow depths from Belitโ€™s faster, but heavier pirate ship. If Conan is given the Elixir of Live before the poison consumes him and Constantius and Nahtok are vanquished, then the heroes win. If Conan dies from the poison and either Constantius or Nahtok are still alive, then the Overlord wins, or if the Stormโ€™s Wake manages to reach the reef and escapes without enemies on board. Submitter Lone Pathfinder Submitted 03/04/2020 Category Official scenarios  
  5. LP301 - Pirate Attack - Overlord v Overlord 0.2 View File The crew has received a tip-off that guards will be carrying the Tax collections of the town of Messantia to the main cargo vessel headed for the capital. The cargo vessel is too well guarded to attack directly. They plan instead a daylight robbery on route to the cargo vessel. If they can intercept the gold before it reached the cargo vessel and bring it on board of Belitโ€™s pirate vessels they will have enough loot to last them for months in luxury. Conan sails in early on a captured merchant ship, pretending to come in to town for supplies. He and Amboola plan the ambush to block the alleyways, forcing the guards from their path through city alleys to the foreshore. Amboola springs the trap with unbreakable barricades and fire, and with excellent timing, Belit sails her ship and grapples next to Conanโ€™s and leaves a skeleton crew behind, sending her best out to assist Conan and Amboola. The town guard are no fools however, they brought in some heavy support with non other than Zaporavo and Thak to assist the city guard Captain and the fire from the barricades will surely bring more. The fire will also signal the raising of the harbour chain that will close the exit from the city by boat. Itโ€™s not going to be as easy as expectedโ€ฆ If the chest is on board of Belitโ€™s ship without having any enemy crew on her ship at the end of a round, the pirates can cast off and sail away and win. If all three guard characters fall in battle, they also win. If the guards manage to take the chest off the map they win the game. If Belitโ€™s ship has not cast off by the end of the 12th game turn then the harbour is closed and the guards win the game. Submitter Lone Pathfinder Submitted 03/04/2020 Category Official scenarios  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    The crew has received a tip-off that guards will be carrying the Tax collections of the town of Messantia to the main cargo vessel headed for the capital. The cargo vessel is too well guarded to attack directly. They plan instead a daylight robbery on route to the cargo vessel. If they can intercept the gold before it reached the cargo vessel and bring it on board of Belitโ€™s pirate vessels they will have enough loot to last them for months in luxury. Conan sails in early on a captured merchant ship, pretending to come in to town for supplies. He and Amboola plan the ambush to block the alleyways, forcing the guards from their path through city alleys to the foreshore. Amboola springs the trap with unbreakable barricades and fire, and with excellent timing, Belit sails her ship and grapples next to Conanโ€™s and leaves a skeleton crew behind, sending her best out to assist Conan and Amboola. The town guard are no fools however, they brought in some heavy support with non other than Zaporavo and Thak to assist the city guard Captain and the fire from the barricades will surely bring more. The fire will also signal the raising of the harbour chain that will close the exit from the city by boat. Itโ€™s not going to be as easy as expectedโ€ฆ If the chest is on board of Belitโ€™s ship without having any enemy crew on her ship at the end of a round, the pirates can cast off and sail away and win. If all three guard characters fall in battle, they also win. If the guards manage to take the chest off the map they win the game. If Belitโ€™s ship has not cast off by the end of the 12th game turn then the harbour is closed and the guards win the game.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Nahtok found a ring in the depths of hell. With this ring he has been able to summon a demon of the night, but has not yet been able to tame the demon and substantiate itโ€™s physical form. To do so he has to sacrifice the soul of a powerful warrior. So in disguise Nahtok poisoned the wine of Conan and took the Cimmerian on to a ship called the Stormโ€™s Wake to smuggle him out of town, where Conan has a lot of friends, and to perform the ceremony of binding the demon without interruption. It did not take Amboola and Balthus long to find out what happened to Conan with the help of Zelata. Amboola and Batlhus did not have to search to find a ship willing to chase down the Stormโ€™s Wake. Belit, captain of that ship had her own reasons to free Conan - lust. With Belitโ€™s crew of five guards, Balthusโ€™ hired Kothien archer and Amboolaโ€™s contingent of five city guard, they give chase. The white speck on the horizon soon grows to a sail, and then the Stormโ€™s Wake. Seeing they will shortly be overtaken, Constantius, the evil mercenary and currently captain of the Stormโ€™s Wake, steers towards shore, where his lighter vessel can escape over the coral reefโ€™s shallow depths from Belitโ€™s faster, but heavier pirate ship. If Conan is given the Elixir of Live before the poison consumes him and Constantius and Nahtok are vanquished, then the heroes win. If Conan dies from the poison and either Constantius or Nahtok are still alive, then the Overlord wins, or if the Stormโ€™s Wake manages to reach the reef and escapes without enemies on board.
  8. I tried to make something different. A Conan game at its core with encounters. I have play tested until the hero was able to win it. It may still need some refinement but at this point I would love some outside feedback. Enjoy. If Everyone likes this I will start part two. Quest of Conan Part One.pdf
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Official scenario 3 players - difficulty 3 - SG Trying to shelter the famous jewel called the Heart of Ahriman, the Heroes Pelias and Zelata are aboarded by Belit the Queen of the Black Coast ! Thaug in ambush is part the game!
  10. Please post here either your game's record or your strategies about the scenario "The Last Ditch Invocation" by Tony Berart. ( Please go there for any questions related to the rules of this scenario ).
  11. View File The Last Ditch Invocation Official scenario 3 players - difficulty 3 - SG Trying to shelter the famous jewel called the Heart of Ahriman, the Heroes Pelias and Zelata are aboarded by Belit the Queen of the Black Coast ! Thaug in ambush is part the game! Submitter NURTHOR Submitted 01/10/2018 Category Official scenarios  
  12. "After having spent the last of their ill-gotten gains from a rich but unfortunate merchant vessel, the Tigress got caught in a severe storm. But thanks to the skill of the heroes and the hardy crew of the Tigress, they survived Nature's fury. Now, with the seas calm once more, the lookout spots another ship. It appears to have taken severe damage from the storm, lying dead in the water. An easy target for the experienced pirates of the Tigress. Checking equipment and preparing to board, they maneuver the Tigress alongside the other ship. Suddenly a shudder runs through the hull. The crew looks around nervously, and then several enormous tentacles erupt from the sea as from an octopus of truly staggering proportions! Crewmen are picked up and pulled screaming to their deaths below the suddenly frothing waters. And as a laughter as cold and terrible as the crushing depths rolls in from the other vessel, foul sorcery reaches out with its claws of pestilence. Those of the crew of the Tigress it touches are transformed into mindless monstrosities bent on killing the heroes! Conan, Bรชlit, Hadrathus and Shevatas will have to act quickly to kill the sorcerer controlling the tentacled horror from the dark waters below, and prevent the monster from tearing the Tigress apart, killing them all!" Pdf of scenario created using the fantastic web-site www.conan-scenarios.com. Required for this scenario: Core box Kickstarter stretch goals Bone Golem Piles of Skulls Tentacles (10) Skeletons (6) Mummies (6) Savage Bรชlit Conan the Wanderer Spells Dagon's Attack Hand of Death Ymir's Rage spell Dread Horror on the High Seas.pdf
  13. View File The terribles lovers Official scenario 3 players - difficulty 2 - Broom box Submitter Doucefeuille Submitted 05/25/2017 Category Scรฉnarios Officiels  
  14. 2 players - hard - Strech Goal, Tiger, Crossbowmen https://www.conan-scenarios.com/scenarioPage.php?MissionId=714 The scenario is focused on Akishava versus Zaporavo, Olgred and Taurus (+Amboola for a 4 heroes game). And there is a Tiger and few crossbowmen ! I guess the Tiger may be replaced by a bunch of hyennas or wolves. The issue is that there are not many monsters with ... The story: Zaporavo is boarding a drifting ship. Unfortunately, the ship is home of a voluptuous vampiress. Akivasha is eager to mesmerize Zaporavo since qhe had recently drained all the blood of ship's captain. She needs a new one ! Gamewise, i'm exploring some alternate use of the event tiles. Here i used them to simulate Akivasha super powers and her bloodlust: activating an event = activating a power chosen among a short list and events are easier to activate if there are a lot deads around Akivasha. There is also a rule used by Akivasha to enthrall a weakened Zaporavo and finally few generic rules (Leaps, Chests). The first draft was way too unbalanced in favor of the heroes. I have recently changed a lot of things to favor Akivasha but didn't put them into test yet. Any comments and ideas are more than welcome. Also english is not my native language so feel free to correct me.
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