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Mythic Battles: Pantheon

  1. So during the Season 2 Kickstarter of Gotham City Chronicles, I left a comment about making the Terrible Trio a playable villain. Weโ€™ve had henchmen with double tiles for duos before (Bud and Lou, Tweedle Dee and Dum) and even a quartet with Pygโ€™s henchmen. But what about the Terrible Trio (Shark, Vulture, and Fox) with a double tile for villain leaders? On the surface, it sounds fun. But in the details, would they be too powerful? Theyโ€™d probably need 2-3 heroes on missions. But itโ€™s an idea I love. what are your thoughts?
  2. EDIT - Deleted - you can find the final version of this Scenario in CONAN - The Liberator.
  3. The Phoenix and The Dragons Solo/Co-op Scenario 1-2 Players This is a fairly simple solo/co-op scenario adapted from the very first Conan story, The Phoenix on the Sword. King Conan is awakened from a prophetic dream to find an assassination party of rogues and murderers pouring into his bedchamber, and must quickly arm himself to face off against them, while Pallantides and his Black Dragons fight to reach their King in time to save him. Meanwhile, the Stygian sorcerer Thoth-Amon has plans of his own for revenge... This Scenario requires the King Pledge, the Black Dragons, the Perilous Ruins and Forgotten Cities Tiles, and the Forbidden Places and Pits of Horror Tiles. It follows the solo rules as found in the Tome of Skelos/Monolith Sourcebook. I'd love to hear your thoughts. The Phoenix and The Dragons - Solo Scenario - v1.0.pdf
  4. In diesem Szenario starten die Spieler im Koop-Modus ohne einen Overlord. Es enthรคlt ein verstecktes Identitรคtselement, da einer der Spieler von Anfang an weiรŸ, dass er besessen ist. Irgendwann wird der Walddรคmon herauskommen und den Charakter dieses Helden ersetzen, wรคhrend der Spieler als Overlord weitermacht. Wird sich der Dรคmon von seinen Fesseln befreien oder werden die Helden ihn besiegen. Original by Springbringer The lure of the amulet german.pdf
  5. In Savage Avengers: Cursed Dry Work Conan and the Punisher battle thirst, the reawakened dead and dry skin! Like my other Savage Avengers scenarios, Cursed Dry Work is fully playable as a regular Conan scenario. Disregard all Marvel references and enjoy! Or if you have a Punisher Heroclix, the Stygia expansion and ALL those Skeletons from the King Pledge; lock and load! Conan the Savage: This scenario was inspired by the Conan the Savage figure from Privateer Press' Savage Mini Crate subscription. If you have it, use it! Otherwise use the corebox Conan figure. Crom doesn't care. M60: The Crossbow and some special rules for Circular Strike and Elite Shooter combine to represent the M60. Conan can also become frustrated with the strange device and use the M60 to smash in some skulls, but it won't be quite the same after. The Punisher: I chose N'Gora to represent the Punisher. He is a great all around warrior.. Great Melee and Ranged Combat stats. To keep the M60 in Conan's hands for a few turns I decided to hobble The Punisher a little bit with an injured arm from the crash. Savage Avengers Cursed Thirsty Work.pdf
  6. Version 1.0.0


    I'm sharing some files with the tiles for a crossover with CMON game Cthulhu Death May die. I know the new expansion Conand the Conqueror is going to include some ghouls and Deepones, but I designed this tiles so CMON ghouls and Deepones can be considered different units and they can work along the new ones. Hope you enjoy this. Tematically, I think Lovecraft and Robert E Howard would be happy with this Crossover.
  7. Cthulhu Death May Die Crossover View File I'm sharing some files with the tiles for a crossover with CMON game Cthulhu Death May die. I know the new expansion Conand the Conqueror is going to include some ghouls and Deepones, but I designed this tiles so CMON ghouls and Deepones can be considered different units and they can work along the new ones. Hope you enjoy this. Tematically, I think Lovecraft and Robert E Howard would be happy with this Crossover. Submitter Remys Submitted 10/21/2020 Category Resources  
  8. I've created a Solo/CoOp version of the Hunting the Tigress scenario. Please give it a try and let me know what you think. I would classify it as easy, bu t a lot of fun. HuntingtheTigress(Solo-CoOp).pdf
  9. Hi folks, I am looking for some advice on stats for a Reaper Stone Golem. I think the sculpt fits the Conan vibe very well. Sorry if the pic is too big. I was thinking of giving him Wallwrecker and Circular Strike, a move of 2, armour of 10 and life points 9. What do you think?.
  10. LP301 - Pirate Attack - Overlord v Overlord 0.2 View File The crew has received a tip-off that guards will be carrying the Tax collections of the town of Messantia to the main cargo vessel headed for the capital. The cargo vessel is too well guarded to attack directly. They plan instead a daylight robbery on route to the cargo vessel. If they can intercept the gold before it reached the cargo vessel and bring it on board of Belitโ€™s pirate vessels they will have enough loot to last them for months in luxury. Conan sails in early on a captured merchant ship, pretending to come in to town for supplies. He and Amboola plan the ambush to block the alleyways, forcing the guards from their path through city alleys to the foreshore. Amboola springs the trap with unbreakable barricades and fire, and with excellent timing, Belit sails her ship and grapples next to Conanโ€™s and leaves a skeleton crew behind, sending her best out to assist Conan and Amboola. The town guard are no fools however, they brought in some heavy support with non other than Zaporavo and Thak to assist the city guard Captain and the fire from the barricades will surely bring more. The fire will also signal the raising of the harbour chain that will close the exit from the city by boat. Itโ€™s not going to be as easy as expectedโ€ฆ If the chest is on board of Belitโ€™s ship without having any enemy crew on her ship at the end of a round, the pirates can cast off and sail away and win. If all three guard characters fall in battle, they also win. If the guards manage to take the chest off the map they win the game. If Belitโ€™s ship has not cast off by the end of the 12th game turn then the harbour is closed and the guards win the game. Submitter Lone Pathfinder Submitted 03/04/2020 Category Official scenarios  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    The crew has received a tip-off that guards will be carrying the Tax collections of the town of Messantia to the main cargo vessel headed for the capital. The cargo vessel is too well guarded to attack directly. They plan instead a daylight robbery on route to the cargo vessel. If they can intercept the gold before it reached the cargo vessel and bring it on board of Belitโ€™s pirate vessels they will have enough loot to last them for months in luxury. Conan sails in early on a captured merchant ship, pretending to come in to town for supplies. He and Amboola plan the ambush to block the alleyways, forcing the guards from their path through city alleys to the foreshore. Amboola springs the trap with unbreakable barricades and fire, and with excellent timing, Belit sails her ship and grapples next to Conanโ€™s and leaves a skeleton crew behind, sending her best out to assist Conan and Amboola. The town guard are no fools however, they brought in some heavy support with non other than Zaporavo and Thak to assist the city guard Captain and the fire from the barricades will surely bring more. The fire will also signal the raising of the harbour chain that will close the exit from the city by boat. Itโ€™s not going to be as easy as expectedโ€ฆ If the chest is on board of Belitโ€™s ship without having any enemy crew on her ship at the end of a round, the pirates can cast off and sail away and win. If all three guard characters fall in battle, they also win. If the guards manage to take the chest off the map they win the game. If Belitโ€™s ship has not cast off by the end of the 12th game turn then the harbour is closed and the guards win the game.
  12. Version 2.2.0


    The girlโ€™s soul was to have been sacrificed to the Beast-Lord of the Picts. Conanโ€™s teamโ€™s swift actions saved her, even as the mighty coils of the summoned beast tried to crush Conan, it transfix the girlโ€™s soul from her mind with a hypnotic stare. Back home, her lithe body still twisted and spasmed under the thin silken covers of her bed. She was burning up inside and had not returned to consciousness โ€“ her soul lost in an unholy dimension. Mitraโ€™s priests were summoned to aid the governorโ€™s daughter. They promised salvation was close at hand, only days away in the form of a holy Sceptre hidden in a caravan from the far south. Unable to wait, the governor paid two bags of gold to a group of heroes to ride south and to speed up the delivery. They rode fast and came upon the remnants of the caravan in three days. A single surviving caravan guard confirmed that the priceless holy Sceptre had been disassembled in to three pieces and hidden in crates - but then they came, horrid and unspeakable monsters from the swap! With wide red-rimmed eyes the dying guard pointed to the western jungle trees as madness consumed him. The spoor was easy to followโ€ฆ Skuthus and Thog have set up an uneasy alliance in an abandoned village in the swamp. With Skuthus summoning undead to counter the power of the tentacle monsters in the swamp under the sway of the horrid mass that is Thog. Skuthus has set up an unholy gate to draw in the necromantic energies to raise the dead, slowly building an undead army. Thogโ€™s plans cross eons and dimensions and are hard to put into human terms. The tentacles that move under its command erupt from the swampy water and come from deep underground, a source not seen on this earth in two thousand years. He has gained the ability to summon a Swamp Demon in times of dire need However, as soon as Skuthus and Thog are beset by intruders, they work together to defend their mutual home. The heroes arrive late afternoon and the sun is setting. They cannot afford to wait till morning, but night will bring the moon, and the moon will boost the evil forces permeating in the swamps. The heroes start the game and must find the three pieces of the sceptre. At least one hero has to flee the village off the map with all three sceptre pieces for the heroes to win the game. At the end of round 14, the swampโ€™s foul energy will be boosted by necrotic moonlight and the undead hordes will become overwhelming. If all the sceptreโ€™s pieces have not left the village the Overlord has won. Please contact me for more scenarios.
  13. View File LP001 - The Lost Secret of the Caravan The girlโ€™s soul was to have been sacrificed to the Beast-Lord of the Picts. Conanโ€™s teamโ€™s swift actions saved her, even as the mighty coils of the summoned beast tried to crush Conan, it transfix the girlโ€™s soul from her mind with a hypnotic stare. Back home, her lithe body still twisted and spasmed under the thin silken covers of her bed. She was burning up inside and had not returned to consciousness โ€“ her soul lost in an unholy dimension. Mitraโ€™s priests were summoned to aid the governorโ€™s daughter. They promised salvation was close at hand, only days away in the form of a holy Sceptre hidden in a caravan from the far south. Unable to wait, the governor paid two bags of gold to a group of heroes to ride south and to speed up the delivery. They rode fast and came upon the remnants of the caravan in three days. A single surviving caravan guard confirmed that the priceless holy Sceptre had been disassembled in to three pieces and hidden in crates - but then they came, horrid and unspeakable monsters from the swap! With wide red-rimmed eyes the dying guard pointed to the western jungle trees as madness consumed him. The spoor was easy to followโ€ฆ Skuthus and Thog have set up an uneasy alliance in an abandoned village in the swamp. With Skuthus summoning undead to counter the power of the tentacle monsters in the swamp under the sway of the horrid mass that is Thog. Skuthus has set up an unholy gate to draw in the necromantic energies to raise the dead, slowly building an undead army. Thogโ€™s plans cross eons and dimensions and are hard to put into human terms. The tentacles that move under its command erupt from the swampy water and come from deep underground, a source not seen on this earth in two thousand years. He has gained the ability to summon a Swamp Demon in times of dire need However, as soon as Skuthus and Thog are beset by intruders, they work together to defend their mutual home. The heroes arrive late afternoon and the sun is setting. They cannot afford to wait till morning, but night will bring the moon, and the moon will boost the evil forces permeating in the swamps. The heroes start the game and must find the three pieces of the sceptre. At least one hero has to flee the village off the map with all three sceptre pieces for the heroes to win the game. At the end of round 14, the swampโ€™s foul energy will be boosted by necrotic moonlight and the undead hordes will become overwhelming. If all the sceptreโ€™s pieces have not left the village the Overlord has won. Please contact me for more scenarios. Submitter Lone Pathfinder Submitted 03/04/2020 Category Official scenarios  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    The worldโ€™s three best Thieves combine to meet their greatest challenge. It is known that in the depth of the Stygian wilderness there is a alter to the their foul god Set. It is rumoured that for a period of 15 minutes each Autumn Solstice this alter moves aside to reveal the entrance to a tunnel. At the end of that tunnel is The Eye of Set ! Not only is this gem worth a Kingโ€™s ransom three time over, but anyone looking through the eye can make out deceptions, illusions, lies and glamour by the acrid smoky blur it generated in the gem. There is a catch. It is meant to be guarded. So the team pull out their best weapons and armour, and head forthโ€ฆ There can be only one! Any hero that escapes with the eye of Set before the 15 turns are up, wins the game. If at all 3 members of the party die, or if they do not come out with the gem in time, the alter will close and will be impossible to open for another year. Conan and friends will join the other undead in the temple.
  15. LP003 - The Eye of Set 1.0 View File The worldโ€™s three best Thieves combine to meet their greatest challenge. It is known that in the depth of the Stygian wilderness there is a alter to the their foul god Set. It is rumoured that for a period of 15 minutes each Autumn Solstice this alter moves aside to reveal the entrance to a tunnel. At the end of that tunnel is The Eye of Set ! Not only is this gem worth a Kingโ€™s ransom three time over, but anyone looking through the eye can make out deceptions, illusions, lies and glamour by the acrid smoky blur it generated in the gem. There is a catch. It is meant to be guarded. So the team pull out their best weapons and armour, and head forthโ€ฆ There can be only one! Any hero that escapes with the eye of Set before the 15 turns are up, wins the game. If at all 3 members of the party die, or if they do not come out with the gem in time, the alter will close and will be impossible to open for another year. Conan and friends will join the other undead in the temple. Submitter Lone Pathfinder Submitted 03/04/2020 Category Official scenarios
  16. I'm currently writing a Battle of the Nordic Gods scenario that is Overlord vs Overlord with the option of adding Conan (and friends) as one or more extra players. The scenario features the excellent fan made tiles from Blood Rage by Mathieu Hatt. Link to tiles: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1705393/crossover-blood-rage-skelos-tiles I've built a simple points system for Gods, monsters and clans that includes a form of drafting. Needs some more play testing but the system seems to work ok. Whilst some skills can be considered problematic in a points system (eg Evasive), this can be managed by the scenario. Allowing players to draft additional units is one solution since it allows players to select units that counter their opponent's selection. I thought it would be useful to start a thread that discusses some of the design issues that have cropped up whilst writing the scenario. I'll post again about the points values and drafting mechanism, but thought I would start with the issue of armour. Some of the Blood Rage God tiles have high armour values. In MB Pantheon any unit (even troops) can cause damage on any other unit. This is achieved through the push your luck dice mechanism. Troops may roll fewer dice but if any of them are a five they can be re-rolled to achieve a higher score and still damage another unit with a high defence value. That mechanism obviously doesn't exist in Conan. Weak units with limited attack dice may not be able to damage units with high armour values. I therefore needed to find ways to overcome this. Possible options include: 1. Include units with better attack dice. This can be achieved through the drafting mechanism. 2. Introduce a scenario specific mechanism that lowers the armour of a unit. I have achieved this by having objects that when revealed automatically lower the armour value of a God (to a specified minimum). 3. Include a mechanism to boost the attack strength of a weak unit. This is the mechanism that I want to discuss further in this post. Conan is a game that relies on the careful management of gems. The overlord dashboard includes a number of Benefit Tokens that allow gems to be spent for extra moves, defence rolls and re-rolls. I wish that there would have been a 4 or 5 Benefit Token slots made available for different abilities to be used in scenarios. An existing Benefit Token could be changed with the existing dashboard, but for my scenario I wanted an additional benefit. It was therefore necessary to create a scenario rule: Mighty Strike: When a friendly God is on the map, melee or missile attacks made by Overlord characters can be boosted. The Overlord must decide whether to use Mighty Strike before any attack dice are rolled. Spell attacks cannot be boosted with Mighty Strike. Attack dice may be re-rolled as normal. +1 Yellow: 1 gem Upgrade Yellow to Orange: 2 gems Upgrade Orange to Red: 3 gems For example a unit with a single orange attack die could spend 3 gems to boost the attack from orange to red. The unit could also add a yellow die for 1 gem and then boost this to orange for another 2 gems. The attack dice of a weak unit can therefore be boosted to overcome high armour values, but the less attack power the unit has, the more gems such boosts will require to have an impact. Of course existing strong units can also boost their attacks. More on this another time.
  17. Playing cards for Modiphius geomorphic tiles View File Here is a set of 137 playing cards for the Modiphius geomorphic tiles. The intent is to allow players to use those cards for whatever "dungeon" or "terrain" generation rule you might come with. Some cards exhibit bold lines to highlight the location of doors to facilitate their use for dungeon-like generation. The original name of each tile as provided in Modiphius' PDF files (when you buy them) is provided in the bottom-right corner. A "-" in this name indicates a card where to tiles have been stitched together to reproduce a complete terrain on a same card. Per agreement with Modiphius, the resolution of the tiles is 15% percent of the originals so that those files cannot be used to reproduce the original terrains at full scale in a way that is playable. The proposed files are only meant to be printed on mini-sized cards. Below a snapshot of the included cards Submitter Edouard Le sec Submitted 01/18/2020 Category Resources  
  18. Version 1.2.0


    Here is a set of 137 playing cards for the Modiphius geomorphic tiles. The intent is to allow players to use those cards for whatever "dungeon" or "terrain" generation rule you might come with. Some cards exhibit bold lines to highlight the location of doors to facilitate their use for dungeon-like generation. The original name of each tile as provided in Modiphius' PDF files (when you buy them) is provided in the bottom-right corner. A "-" in this name indicates a card where to tiles have been stitched together to reproduce a complete terrain on a same card. Per agreement with Modiphius, the resolution of the tiles is 15% percent of the originals so that those files cannot be used to reproduce the original terrains at full scale in a way that is playable. The proposed files are only meant to be printed on mini-sized cards. Below a snapshot of the included cards
  19. The latest installment of my Savage Avengers series of scenarios for Conan by Monolith is available to download. This one is for the solo/ co-op mode found in the Monolith Sourcebook. Wolverine and Black Widow join Conan in the search for Bruce Banner, who has been compromised by what appears to be Stygian sorcery. Savage Avengers: Compromised is inspired by a Conan Vs. variant cover from The Immortal Hulk comic. When I saw it, I wondered how that fight would turn out. This series of scenarios is based on the Savage Avengers comic. My goal is to write a Conan scenario that can be played with regular Conan game content- but with a Marvel style storyline for those who may be interested and have buckets of old Heroclix sitting around. I match each Marvel character to a Conan character. For example, in Compromised, I use the Demon of the Earth to represent the Hulk. Niord, from the Nordheim expansion, is used to represent Wolverine. Ambidextrous and red defense dice are perfect for his claws and healing factor. So it works both ways- you can play it with your regular Conan content or you can swap in some Heroclix and go for the Savage Avengers vibe! Enjoy! Savage Avengers Compromised v2.pdf
  20. Feast for the Starving God is a 3 part story campaign in which the player roles are reversed. The Heroes play the part of a villainous pirate gang trying to secure a cargo of flesh for the nefarious purposes of their employer. Meanwhile, the Overlord takes on the role of the helpless villagers and those who would seek to thwart the Starving God at all costs. You will need access to a King Pledge, Kushite Witch Hunters and the Corinthia expansion to fully enjoy this campaign. NOTE: the Khitai expansion is also used, but is not listed in the document. Components from other expansions are used but easy substitution suggestions are given. Feast for the Starving God.pdf
  21. King Conan takes to the back streets and shadow laden alleys as a "strange phantom in the night" in an effort to stop a savage Strangler that has been stalking Tarantia's "entertainment" district. Inspired by Marvel's Conan the Barbarian #4 "The King in a Cage" by Jason Aaron. Low gem counts make this more a battle of witts than steel. As Conan must maneuver his allies and find the evidence against the Strangler while avoiding the watchful eye of his own elite guards, the Black Dragons. The Stangler races against time and the "strange phantom", he too, wants to avoid attention. And the King dying in the Stangler's favorite haunt would bring way too much attention... Strange Phantom in the Night.pdf
  22. "An unsanctioned team of heroes." Inspired by Marvel's upcoming Savage Avengers comic. A fully functional Conan scenario with suggestions to play it within the Marvel Universe. I designated different Conan heroes and allies as Wolverine, Electra, Punisher, Venom and Brother Voodoo. Crossbowmen represent machine gun armed thugs. Stygian Assassins represent Hand Assassins. I used Heroclix for the Marvel characters and a couple Reaper Nova Corps. models for the machine gunners. If someone is interested in re-skinning all the Hero cards, tiles and tokens for Marvel, let me know. Enjoy! (the pdf is in really small print all the way down, after the pictures) SavageAvengersfv2.pdf
  23. An Unfortunate Interruption is sort of an outtake from Whispers From Stygia. Early on we wanted to include a couple of sidequests, to involve more authors and to add to the replayability of the campaign. The idea was nixed as we had our hands full with the core campaign. This has been written for a while and I just want to put it out there as an option to enhance Whispers From Stygia or to encourage you to give it another play through. Enjoy. An Unfortunate Interruption.pdf
  24. Hi there! Just created my first scenario using only the core box materials. It is called "from beyond the grave" and also is inspired by the Story Queen of the Black Coast. It is available on the Scenario editor. https://www.conan-scenarios.com/scenarioPage.php?MissionId=1391 I hope you like it. Let me know if you find it too unbalanced... if it is too easy in the latest version, giving Conan his sword instead of the battle axe makes it so much harder...
  25. This is a Campaign I create for the Queen of the Black Coast as a campaign. I tried to be as close a possible to the source material, and to do that I had to include an unofficial map to represent the jungle in which the ruins are located. You could download the map and print it from https://www.conan-scenarios.com/customMaps.php. Thanks to Franzi, the creator of such a gorgeous map, for doing it. Also, I would like to thanks to Rober E. Howard for creating this world, and as an homage to him, I used some quotes from the original story that better depict the scenarios. The campaign is made of 4 scenarios that are played in order. At the end of every one, the winning side gets an award for winning, but also, the losing side gets an award too. I used that system to create an artificial handicap so neither side feels he has already lost the campaign from the beginning. The resolution of the last scenario decides the winning side. I hope you enjoy it and all feedback is welcome. Queen of the Black Coast I.pdf Queen of the Black Coast II.pdf Queen of the Black Coast III.pdf Queen of the Black Coast IV.pdf
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