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Mythic Battles: Pantheon

  1. Here we go, a solo/coop campaign playable from 1 to 3 players. 8 scenarios and only a few equipment and boons cards to print. Now, players can buy and sell equipment. The sorcerer increase their power thanks to his many spells. A new, clear and more friendly printer layout. Have a nice game. thal_kaar_the_ invincible.pdf thal_kaar_the_ invincible_v2.4.pdf thal_kaar_the_ invincible_v2.7.pdf thal_kaar_the_ invincible_v2.8.pdf
  2. CONAN - The Liberator "I had prepared myself to take the crown, not to hold it. In the old free days all I wanted was a sharp sword and a straight path to my enemies. Now no paths are straight and my sword is useless. When I overthrew Numedides, then I was the Liberatorโ€”now they spit at my shadow." - The Phoenix on the Sword CONAN - The Liberator is a fanmade solo/co-op mode campaign for Monolith's Conan, charting Conan's rise to power as King of Aquilonia. The six scenarios take Conan and his companions from the deadly streets of Tarantia, through the Dungeons of Sorrow and the depths of the Pictish Wilderness, to his uprising against the cruel King Nemedides. This campaign requires the Barbarian or King Pledge, and two sets of Modiphius Tiles; Forbidden Places & Pits of Horror and Perilous Ruins & Forgotten Cities (the same tile sets required for the Monolith Sourcebook campaign). Several scenarios also include optional substitutions that make use of other Conan expansions. December 2022 marks the 90th anniversary of the release of the first Conan story, The Phoenix on the Sword, in which a newly crowned King Conan looks to hold on to his throne. What better way to mark that anniversary than to set the Cimmerian on the throne yourself? Conan The Liberator is available in 2 formats: 1 - PDF for web viewing and home printing: CONAN_The Liberator - Full PDF.pdf 2 - Hardcover Edition - this is two PDF files, one for the cover and the second for the interior content that you can send to a print-on-demand service for a hardback book. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to use Lulu, if you choose them as your print-on-demand service. CONAN_The Liberator - Cover.pdf CONAN_The Liberator - Interior.pdf A big thank you to everyone who helped playtest and develop ideas for this campaign. Crom doesn't care if you enjoy this campaign, but I do, so please leave any feedback here. - Barny "Zombocom" Skinner Hardcover Printing Instructions for Lulu Since this is a free, fan-made book, I am not morally or legally allowed to set up a print on demand distribution. Which means you will need to set up an account with a print on demand company and upload files for printing (for personal use only). The directions below are for the company Lulu, but you are free to use any print on demand company you choose. Go to lulu.com and create an account. Under the CREATE tab, click the PRINT BOOKS option. Click the button START YOUR PRINT BOOK Enter your login credentials In the START YOUR PROJECT section, choose PRINT BOOK In the SELECT YOUR GOAL section, choose PRINT YOUR BOOK. (Do NOT select Publish your book for sale on Amazon. You will get sued. ๐Ÿ™‚ ) In the BOOK DETAILS section, enter a project title of your choice. I recommend CONAN - The Liberator. Enter a language and CATEGORY, which is required; why not choose Gaming? Click the DESIGN YOUR PROJECT button at the bottom of the page to proceed to the Design page In the INTERIOR FILE UPLOAD section, upload the file named CONAN_The Liberator - Interior.pdf Wait for the file to upload and normalize. This can take a few minutes. When the upload finishes, you will see some warnings. Like most warnings in life, feel free to ignore these. In the BOOK SPECIFICATIONS section, the BOOK SIZE AND PAGE COUNT should already be pre-filled. In the INTERIOR COLOR section, choose COLOR PREMIUM for the best quality color. In the PAPER TYPE section, choose 80# COATED WHITE for the best paper quality. In the BOOK BINDING section, choose HARDCOVER. Feel free to choose a different binding if you want. In the COVER FINISH section, choose GLOSSY or MATTE, your choice. Wait a moment for the PRINT COST to load. This is a printing fee for Lulu, and I do not receive a penny of this, nor does Monolith. In the DESIGN YOUR COVER section, make sure the UPLOAD COVER FILE option is selected. Upload the file named CONAN_The Liberator - Cover.pdf After a minute, the PREVIEW will load. This preview will give you a basic idea of what the book will be like, but it is just a preview. When you are ready, click the REVIEW BOOK link at the bottom. This brings you to a page where you can review the final specifications. Click the checkbox next to CONFIRM BOOK SPECIFICATIONS AND FILES Click the ADD TO CART button when it becomes enabled Click the CART icon at the top of the page and make the purchase. The shipping will vary depending where you are located. There are almost always discount codes of at least 15% available online - do a quick search! Feel free to print a copy for yourself or your friends, but DO NOT PRINT COPIES FOR SALE. Note: The hardback book you receive from Lulu will not be perfect. There might be alignment issues with the binding, scratches, the interior margins might be tight, and the endsheets will be a boring white.
  3. 1 - 4 players - 1 raven - Core box "In this scenario Conan and his friends must protect a priestress of Mitra for 12 turns from waves of picts that assault the small village" Synopsis: United by the bloodthirsty shaman Zogar Sag, the Pict tribes have swarmed across the Black River and are ravaging the frontier province of Conajohara. Fort Tuscelan has fallen, and the black smoke of its burning rises to the north like a beacon of despair. โ€œThe fortโ€™s doomed,โ€ growls Conan to his companions, eyeing the billowing column of smoke, โ€œWeโ€™ve got to warn the settlers, or else the Picts may cross Thunder River and take Velitrium before the people know whatโ€™s happened!โ€ Hastening south, Conan and his friends sound the warning at the first settlement they find. With no time to gather provisions or treasures, the panicked settlers flee for their lives. Even as the villagers flood out of the village the sound of beating drums announces the arrival of a Pict war-party. โ€œWe must buy them time!โ€ Conan shouts, directing his fellows to prepare their defenses against the oncoming horde. Conan feels a hand at his elbow, and turning sees a woman dressed in the livery of a Priestess of Mitra. โ€œThere is an incantation that can drive back these savages,โ€ intones the Priestess, โ€œBut rite will take time. Protect me until I can finish the invocation!โ€ Conan nods quickly, accepting the womanโ€™s audacious declaration without question. The son of a wild and superstitious people, the Barbarian does not adhere to the intellectual skepticism of civilized men. Taking refuge at the center of the village, the Priestess begins her chant. Conan and his companions ready their weapons as the howling, painted warriors encircle the tiny villageโ€ฆ. Download the Drums of Doom
  4. EDIT - Deleted - you can find the final version of this Scenario in CONAN - The Liberator.
  5. Hi there, A rule Question to one of the new Conqueror Expansion scenarios. "In the Hall of the Dead" it is stated that the Sorcerer (Hero) Thotmekri (Xaltotun) : "at the beginning of the game the Heart of Ahriman is placed on his Chest and he has partially returned to life. Thus, he is unaible to leave the area in which he begins... until Conan has perfomed a simple manipulation to remove the Heart. From thereon he can leave the area... Now the Question is, is the Hero able to use Spells to attack units or is he inactive until Conan reaches him? From the Scenario I think it makes more sense that he is inactive until Conan reaches him (usually ~turn 2), also the Scenario felt very easy (it is 1 Crow...) and I think that if the sorcerer is able to kill units from the start, it is even easier for the heroes... also using the demon of the earth instead of the snake makes it easier for the heroes because the demon only has movement 2 instead of 3 and I had trouble to keep up with the heroes... just my opinion, obviously!
  6. In diesem Szenario starten die Spieler im Koop-Modus ohne einen Overlord. Es enthรคlt ein verstecktes Identitรคtselement, da einer der Spieler von Anfang an weiรŸ, dass er besessen ist. Irgendwann wird der Walddรคmon herauskommen und den Charakter dieses Helden ersetzen, wรคhrend der Spieler als Overlord weitermacht. Wird sich der Dรคmon von seinen Fesseln befreien oder werden die Helden ihn besiegen. Original by Springbringer The lure of the amulet german.pdf
  7. Hello barbarians ! Here is a new scenario around the R.E. Howard short story: "Shadows in the Moonlight". It uses a brand new map (marshland with temple ruins) and a new Hero (Olivia, Princess of Ophir). The scenario contains the links to download the caracter sheet and the map. It is rather challenging and rhythmic. You will have to: free Conan, use the pirate crew whose loyalty varies, loot the riches and flee the monstrosities that arise everywhere: Hostile Pirates, Black Men (if you do not have any, use mummies), Grey Man-ape... The game features two pirates archers lieutenants and their loyal mens, as well as heroes, who will try to take advantage of the chaos to escape... and take the riches! Tips for Heroes: Energy management is key and the loot of all chests rather crucial: the 2-handed sword to clean hostile groups, potions of life to carry out key actions (to quickly defeat a lieutenant or a monster ?). https://www.conan-scenarios.com/pdf/1326.pdf?rand=83990518
  8. Version 1.0.0


    I'm posting this here, as it involves a chain of scenarios as well as a custom rule set; I didn't see an option to post such a thing in the editor. My players loved "The Devil in Iron" and asked for another campaign with continuing characters and experience building. I didn't see anything similar immediately available so I set to work crafting my own. Included in the files are the core rules, based off of the same system, but with unlockable characters, modular scenarios, and even custom spells. They've already worked their way through 7 of the 12 (8 was dropped) scenarios and have been helping me balance each adventure. I hope these make their way into the hands of other Conan fans to enjoy while we wait for the new Kickstarter to ship.
  9. In this scenario, players start in coop mode without an Overlord. It contains a hidden identity element, as one of the players knows from the start that he is possessed. At some point, the Swamp Demon will come out and replaces that Hero's character, as the player continues as the Overlord. Will the Demon break free from his shackles or will the Heroes overcome him. The heroes were eyeing each other warily. Having traveled for days, if not weeks, was it possible that each one of us was here for the same purpose? Looking through the wares, Kerim Shah spoke out, "We're not going to find anything here. Who wants to check out the floating market with me?". Constantius grumbled, "It is said that the Amulet has been fragmented in 3 parts. I say, we split up." "Agreed", Valeria exclaimed, while emptying another basket with fine garments up-side-down. "Let's meet up at the altar down south, where the Amulet was last seen." The peculiar trio nodded and headed off. Little did they know, that they were not the only ones lured by the cosmic pull of the amulet. And little did they know of the ancient fires, that kept long forgotten powers shackled and hidden only in our darkest dreams. The lure of the amulet.pdf
  10. Solo/Coop - 1-3 players โ€“ Difficulty: Normal Batman, Blue Bird, and Spoiler face Jonathan Crane a.k.a Scarecrow. The villain is scheming to engineer a super toxin in order to contaminate Gotham City's water supply! Hi! I created a solo/coop campaign for Batman. It is a four Mission campaign, which can also be played independently. It uses Conanโ€™s solo/coop rules: http://www.monolithedition.com/download/Conan/Rulebook/ConanTheConqueror_Solo-Rules_WIP-EN.pdf These rules are really simple, but require scenarios designed for them. Hereโ€™s a quick summary: Prepare X tokens numbered from 1 to X, with a common backside. X being the number of tiles in the River. You can use Conanโ€™s numbered tokens (if you own Conan), or any kind of generic numbered tokens, or playing cards: On the Villainโ€™s turn, activate 3 tiles randomly, as follows: -Draw a numbered token, activate the matching tile in the River and the corresponding miniatures (if there are no miniature associated with the tile, discard the token and draw another one), then set the token aside, face-up. -Repeat until you have activated 3 tiles (when all tokens are face-up, shuffle them). Each Villain miniature of the tile will try to attack. If only one Hero can be attacked, they will be. The miniature will Move to attack, if it has to. The miniature will act and move along the path of least resistance. It will also try to minimize the penalties (hindering) and maximize the bonus. Unless otherwise specified in the Mission special rules: If there are several possible targets, choose the Weakest Hero (the one with the fewest Energy cubes in Reserve zone, in case of tie the one with the most cubes in Wounds zone, in case of tie playerโ€™s choice). If no Hero can be attacked, the miniature will Move towards the Weakest one. When specified in the Mission special rules, Boss and/or Elite tiles will typically target the Strongest Hero (the one with the most Energy cubes in Reserve zone, in case of tie the one with the fewest cubes in Wounds zone, etc.). Missions are translated with the help of @blapo and @Roolz City of Terrors โ€“ Part 1: Evil Encounter The Heroes must prevent the world's leading experts in toxins, poison and pheromones from teaming up together to concoct a super toxin in an abandoned subway station. Mission 1, translated version 3 (27/01/2021) : Solo_Coop_Evil_Encounter_v3.pdf City of Terrors โ€“ Part 2: Factory Smoke The Heroes will have to stop the production of the toxin which Scarecrow was able to develop anyway (remote meetings, duhโ€ฆ). Second mission, translated (05/05/2021). Solo_Coop_factory_smoke_v1.pdf City of Terrors โ€“ Part 3: Deadly Waters Scarecrow, taking advantage of the fact that the Heroes were busy stopping the plantโ€™s fumes, had two truckloads of the product moved out. His men are unloading the drums on Crime Alley, to contaminate the city's water supply. Solo_Coop_deadly waters v1.pdf City of Terrors โ€“ Part 4: The Formula While the Heroes' intervention averted a city-wide catastrophe, Scarecrow still managed to contaminate some areas of Gotham. The best response is to recover the antidote to the toxin, which Scarecrow's henchmen have been using. But the Court of Owls, realizing the financial and strategic value of possessing the antidote, has made a deal with Scarecrow, and the formula is now safe in one of the Owlsโ€™ crooked banks. The Heroes will have to recover it the hard way... Fourth mission translated (15/10/2021 not reviewed). Solo_Coop_the_formula_v7.pdf Enjoy!
  11. This is an interesting scenario where the heroes need to defeat Khemsa and the Demon of the Earth. Both Khemsa and the Demon of the Earth start wit just 1 health, but there are mechanisms in place that increase the health throughout the game. Can the heroes save the town before it is too late? Heading down south into Corinthia the temperature suddenly dropped. Conan and Belit fastened their pace, not willing to let their latest haul get in the hands of one of the many thieving guilds in Corinthia. There is no better place than the black market of Zavaret, where jewelry passes many hands before finding their new suitor. The town Zavaret was almost in view, located just behind these rocky outcrops. Conan stopped, something was not right. It was way too quiet and the temperature had dropped to a level which could freeze the blade in its scabbard. Carefully taking his sword out, Conan and Belit steadily moved forward, ready for an ambush. This scenario is now available in Tales of the North, see link below.
  12. @Xaltotun, @Arthadan & I, worked hard to produce a lot of elements for the fans community of the 82's movie: Conan the Barbarian ! Our first goal was to allow every fans to live the best battle of the movie with the Conan's Monolith core game. To do so you will find all what is necessary in the main Conan the Barbarian post (there) and in the download section (here). This new post is created to propose new stuffs, tips, best new & funny rules and alternative maps for the Conan the Barbarian's campaign. Choose or not to use them, compare and give your point of view, propose your own rules without limits ! Here our only goal is to have fun and to create ! Note: at the time of the creation of this post only one scenario is nearly complete: the Battle of the mounds. So, Welcome hyborian adventurer take your sword and tread the jeweled thrones of the earth under your sandalled feet! And as a first gift, a special and quite rare interviews of the heroes of the 82's best movie in the world! Let's Enjoy!
  13. Hi , me name is Deimos (like son of Ares, or moon of Mars) I create few scenarios ( and one bigger Campaign ), sorry for me translate, I dont have time for edit text ..... but I work on it :D, We are nice comunity in Slovak Republick (only cca 20-25 people in me town), then i do few Scenarios in me language - sorry all. 164.pdf Perzeus 1.pdf Perzeus 2.pdf Perzeus 3.pdf Perzeus 4.pdf Perzeus 5.pdf Perzeus 6.pdf
  14. In Savage Avengers: Cursed Dry Work Conan and the Punisher battle thirst, the reawakened dead and dry skin! Like my other Savage Avengers scenarios, Cursed Dry Work is fully playable as a regular Conan scenario. Disregard all Marvel references and enjoy! Or if you have a Punisher Heroclix, the Stygia expansion and ALL those Skeletons from the King Pledge; lock and load! Conan the Savage: This scenario was inspired by the Conan the Savage figure from Privateer Press' Savage Mini Crate subscription. If you have it, use it! Otherwise use the corebox Conan figure. Crom doesn't care. M60: The Crossbow and some special rules for Circular Strike and Elite Shooter combine to represent the M60. Conan can also become frustrated with the strange device and use the M60 to smash in some skulls, but it won't be quite the same after. The Punisher: I chose N'Gora to represent the Punisher. He is a great all around warrior.. Great Melee and Ranged Combat stats. To keep the M60 in Conan's hands for a few turns I decided to hobble The Punisher a little bit with an injured arm from the crash. Savage Avengers Cursed Thirsty Work.pdf
  15. Please ask here any questions about specific rules for the scenario "The Last ditch Invocation" by Tony Berart. You can find this scenario The Last Ditch Invocation. (Please go hither for any questions specifically related to pict Ships map)
  16. I've created a Solo/CoOp version of the Hunting the Tigress scenario. Please give it a try and let me know what you think. I would classify it as easy, bu t a lot of fun. HuntingtheTigress(Solo-CoOp).pdf
  17. Hi,about the Hall of mirrors attraction tile, it has the following special rules if the attraction is ON:"HALL OF MIRRORS: a miniature in this area is considered isolated. They cannot be targeted with attacks or explosions. The skills of allies and enemies are ignored.The difficulty of all complex manipulations and complex thoughts that a miniature performs in this area are increased by 2.The cost in move points required to leave this area is increased by 2."For calculating the manipulation/thoughts, the case is that the Joker has menace level 3, and what I saw in the rulebook is that this seems that isn't considered a skill, so when the Joker is in that area, the manipulations will increase by +2 cause of the special rule and +3 cause of the Joker's menace (so it will be almost impossible for heroes).But thematically it has sense that the menace isn't taken into account, as the miniature is "isolated".Which option is correct? Should the menace index be taken into account?Thanks!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Official scenario - 3 players - Difficulty 2 - SG, King.
  19. View File A Lion among Panthers Official scenario - 3 players - Difficulty 2 - SG, King. Submitter Roolz Submitted 02/25/2020 Category Official scenarios  
  20. Hi there! Just created my first scenario using only the core box materials. It is called "from beyond the grave" and also is inspired by the Story Queen of the Black Coast. It is available on the Scenario editor. https://www.conan-scenarios.com/scenarioPage.php?MissionId=1391 I hope you like it. Let me know if you find it too unbalanced... if it is too easy in the latest version, giving Conan his sword instead of the battle axe makes it so much harder...
  21. A little complex but play is fun The Red Tower of Shamballa v2.pdf
  22. Version 1.0.0


    The King-Priest Thugra Khotan, a resurrected vile sorcerer, became very powerful once again. We follow Conan and Hadrathus, the priest of Asura, in their quest to end the threat represented by Set's disciple, who reigned over Kuthchemes 3,000 years ago. Discover the "Damned Resurrection" scenario - a 3-player game of medium complexity that requires a King Pledge with Stretch Goals.
  23. Voir le fichier Damned resurrection The King-Priest Thugra Khotan, a resurrected vile sorcerer, became very powerful once again. We follow Conan and Hadrathus, the priest of Asura, in their quest to end the threat represented by Set's disciple, who reigned over Kuthchemes 3,000 years ago. Discover the "Damned Resurrection" scenario - a 3-player game of medium complexity that requires a King Pledge with Stretch Goals. Contributeur SentMa Soumis 13/12/2018 Catรฉgorie Official scenarios  
  24. Introducing a scenario using the Nordheim map in which Conan and Belit get ambushed and have to battle the hypnotist Khemsa and the Demon of the Earth (can be freely replaced by the Forest Demon in case Demon of the Earth not available). The heroes have to defend the town area, while Khemsa and the Demon gain power (see special rules). Early winter in Corinthia.pdf
  25. Greetings, I am excited to present to you a Conan/Wonder Woman crossover scenario! The Heart of Ares. Conan and Wonder Woman join forces to stop a madman threatening both of their Ages! This scenario uses the Vanir Valkyrie to represent Wonder Woman. I have included a Wonder Woman Hero card generously made by @Prohibited014 . This scenario also uses Ares, Wonder Woman's long time adversary, from the Mythic Battles Corinthia crossover expansion. Check it out and let me know what you think! Wonder Woman Conan The Heart of Ares.pdf
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